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In the era of technological progress, with the development of digital and photo technology, it is easy and simple to save important and memorable moments in photographs. We can say that this opportunity is a great miracle that makes a person happy. Imagine looking at summer photographs taken at the resort, and on cold winter evenings you will plunge headlong into fond memories.

And if you like to photograph and create, then we offer you a resource with which you can make creative and vivid photo works - collages.
A collage feature is a combination of several photos into one picture. This work looks very bright and unusual.

After you post your photos on Instagram, you can publicize them a little. For example, you can get 50 free likes for any of your photos. Visit this site and see for yourself.

In order to create a collage, you just select a template with the desired number of positions and fill it with your favorite photos. The choice of templates is diverse, you can enter both horizontal and vertical pictures in the desired cells.

A ready-made collage can be presented to a friend for his birthday, made as a desktop screen saver, or simply added to an album with photos on a social network. Definitely, such a bright photo work will gain a lot of likes and will appeal to all your friends.

In the collage creation service, you can work not only with photos, but also with pictures. For example, you can imagine yourself a cartoonist and create a vivid comic strip with your favorite cartoon characters.

New technologies give us many opportunities, but the most important is the opportunity to express yourself through creativity, the creation of something new. And if this process gives positive emotions and pleasant memories, then I want to deal with it endlessly!

Какое место займет Арсенал в чемпионате 2011-2012?
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А вы знали?
● История ФК Арсенал Лондон насчитывает более 100 лет.

● Арсенал выиграл 39 престижных турниров.

● За Арсенал болеют многие знаменитости.

● Футбольная арена Арсенала одна из лучших в мире.

● Лондонцев возглавляли великие тренеры.

● За канониров выступали гениальные игроки.
Герои Арсенала

Джон, Боб (Bob John)

Томас Митчелл (Thomas Mitchell)

Глеб, Александр

Томас, Майкл (Michael Thomas)

Гриманди, Жиль (Gilles Grimandi)

Герберт Чепмен (Herbert Chapman)